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    started a discussion

    Designers: How are you using AI tools to boost productivity?

    Had a great chat yesterday with a very senior designer that is using tools like Midjourney and Relume to bring his design skills to another level. His main challenge was the time from having identified a problem to coming up with possible solutions, and precisely here is where AI tools help him best. Have you also embraced AI tools in your process? Which tools are most helpful and why?
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    Great chance to try out some new tools! I've probably gotten too used to ChatGPT and Ollama...
    André J
    Amplify your storytelling by blending these AI writing tools 🤖
    started a discussion

    Fiercely competing for the 3rd position today 🥉

    For the past 3 hours we've been holding with Glazed the 3rd position against our friends at Persana AI, it's always a difference of less than 5 upvotes - never expected it to be so tough! In any case, excited to see how things will turn out as the other side of the planet starts to join the competition 🌎
    The first visual tracking documentation tool that enables everyone in your team to create, access and understand analytics events in seconds. No technical skills or endless spreadsheets required.
    Turn Figma designs into tracking plans
    started a discussion

    Serial Founders: does it get "easier" after the first time?

    I've heard it often from investors and read about it online, but I know a few serial founders that would strongly reject the claim. Would be interesting to hear more opinions!
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    Well, its a very cool product :)
    André J
    Tap reaches 💯 signups in less than 24 hours! Thank you PH fam you're the best!!! 🙏
    left a comment
    Hahahaha, love it! 😂
    James Welch
    Non-AI Products
    Food& is an experimental magazine that explores unusual encounters with food. With Food&, we want to expand the conversation on food and the culinary industry by placing our readers in an unexpected environment.
    Food& Magazine
    Food& Magazine
    Unusual encounters with food
    left a comment
    Super nice project and great UI! Time to find my Pi 4 and put it into use :)
    umbrelOS 1.0
    umbrelOS 1.0
    Turn a Raspberry Pi into your home cloud