Chris Sperandio

Chris Sperandio

Engineering Success @ Segment
24 points
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Chris Sperandio
ClearBrain helps you analyze your web & app data to determine what actions cause vs correlate to signup / purchase / activation. In partnership with Segment, you can now get access to real-time causal analytics for free, and without a single line of code.
Causal Analytics
What causes your best users to convert?
Chris Sperandio
Build your own sources, destinations, and custom workflows in Segment, no additional infrastructure required.
Segment Functions
Ideas to reality in a few lines in code
Chris Sperandio
Over the last seven years, we've seen 200+ MarTech partners grow on the Segment Platform including startups we all know as Amplitude,, and FullStory. We've added new 22 MarTech new entrants in the last 22 days. Apply to integrate on Segment today!
New Segment Platform
New Segment Platform
15,000 Customers, 9,000 Integrations Enabled / Month