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Srihari Thalla
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We, at @UnwiredLabs, are very excited to use @Dropbox Paper. But will Dropbox close it next year, just like what they did to Mailbox?? :-/

Dropbox Paper
Collaboration tool built for teams

Srihari Thalla
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Awww! The ducks are so cute :-*

DuckFace App
Turn your friend's faces into ducks

Simple, powerful, and open note taking platform

Notify your phone from the terminal when command is complete

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Share Keyboard and Mouse over Windows, Linux, Mac

GitHub Corners
Alternative to 7 years old "Fork me on GitHub" ribbons

Save Github repositories for later

JavaScript Style Guide
Maintained by Airbnb on GitHub. Supports ECMAScript 5, 6

Instantly locate any device w/ WiFi, celltowers & IP address