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Thanks a lot for the upvotes!! Please let me know if you have any feedback for Poof. We are eager to get any feedback that can help make Poof better.

Ask your friends anything with self-destructing polls 📊💨

A Poof is a Self-destructing Poll. Create it. Vote on it. And then Poof, it’s gone!
Poof lets you ask your friends ANYTHING and see how everyone votes. When it’s done, it’s gone and you don’t have to worry about it.
Great for getting people’s reactions, coordinating with friends, and more.
Ask & answer questions privately with friends on Poof!

Ask your friends anything with self-destructing polls 📊💨

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Thanks a lot Poornima!
My name is Srini and I'm one of the makers of Poof.
We made Poof because we wanted a simple and easy-to-use poll for getting quick feedback from friends. With all the clutter in our inbox, chats, etc... today, what could be better than something that cleans up after itself 😃 - Try Poof for iPhone on the Apple AppStore by searching "poof" or by visiting...

Ask your friends anything with self-destructing polls 📊💨

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When I read that headline, my brain immediately thought this was voice controlled! I tried barking a few orders at it and nothing happened :( @brandonhorst any plans to integrate voice commands? That would be so cool!

Fast, simple, powerful keyboard-driven commands for Mac

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I wrote my first blog post on Chain about Mobile Video 2.0. See

Create and share video chains of short clips about any topic

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Hi Guys! Thanks for hunting Chain. My name is Srini and I'm the Founder of Chain. I started Chain as a way to share moments, ideas, opinions, anything...interactively and collaboratively with friends and fans. Today, the content cycle is mostly one-way (somebody posts and everybody else comments/likes). I wanted to introduce a two-way interaction model where everybody has an equal voice. On...

Create and share video chains of short clips about any topic

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Wow! FameBit was featured 2 years ago. But, they are still very relevant and kickin' butt. I discovered them recently and have been using the service for some campaigns I'm running. My first impression was the great UX and the fact that it is self-serve. Many of the other companies I looked at were not self-serve, which usually means $$$. And even a couple of the other self-serve sites were...

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