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Platoria offers online shoppers AI-generated summaries of thousands of product reviews for any online product. Simply search for your desired product or quickly add it yourself to access concise review summaries.

Unlock insights with AI summary: 10,000+ reviews in seconds

Stan Reyzin
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Every week, we had the same problem – the need to scour online reviews when making online purchases to ensure we were making the right choice. Frustrated by the inefficiency of this process, we took matters into our own hands and created a tool that could transform these scattered reviews into concise, structured summaries. Realizing the universal nature of this problem, we decided to share our...

Unlock insights with AI summary: 10,000+ reviews in seconds

Stan Reyzin
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We were working in the e-commerce/shopping/retail space for quite some time now. We realized that it is sometimes quite inconvenient to read through different reviews when looking for a product. There are sometimes hundreds of reviews and they are scattered on different marketplaces. So we thought that it would be really cool if there was something that would instantly summarize all those...

Use AI to buy

Welcome to our product comparison platform. With the power of our AI technology, we bring you concise summaries of millions of reviews from the most reputable vendors. Say goodbye to the hassle of sifting through countless opinions – we've got you covered!

Use AI to buy