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RoboHash is more interesting. And open source too.

💎 Beautiful avatars as a microservice

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How does it work? I wasn't able to find myself by tags location:moscow language:lisp.

Find hireable developers through Github

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Great idea! Definitely will make such shells in my garage!
Sticotti Shelving system
The only bookshelf you'll ever need

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Does not start on OSX. Fails with error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "slackClient/", line 29, in
from utils import TextUtils
File "/Users/art/projects/Slack-Gitsin/slackClient/", line 13, in
from completions import META_LOOKUP
File "/Users/art/projects/Slack-Gitsin/slackClient/", line 13, in
user_id =...
Slack Gitsin
A beautiful Slack command line interface

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How does it work? Is it automatic or API developer should create new releases as with GitHub Releases?

Where developers stay informed of API changes & discussion

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Looks nice, but when I tried to add my project, I wasn't able to do this because error "start_date should be date, not string".
Also, new tags creation menu doesn't work. You gave to enter comma, to make a tag creation popup appear.
I've tested in mobile, on iPhone.
Publish your projects, get meaningful endorsements and more.

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Sure, there should exist Emacs mode with such functionality :)

A writing app that deletes everything if you stop typing

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@joshdance and now, imagine how your 3-4 years old car becomes slower with each OS update, just like 4 and 5 iPhones :)

Tesla Summon
Autonomously park & summon Tesla from phone, outside car.

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Cool idea! Is there some installation of the bot, or I should setup my own?

D3 Digest
A Slack bot that digests links based on their reactions

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Nice idea. I wish I have something like that in my neibourhood in russia.

Daily housekeeping (SF only)

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How does it build indexes if it knows nothing about the data?

An open-source, end-to-end encrypted database protocol

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I'm wondering if it's able to know when to interrupt my power nap?

Sleep at the push of a button! Now with "Focus."

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What is new in dash3?

Dash 3.0
Offline docs & reference for 150+ APIs, languages & tools

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Don't see in the trailer where do they hide recyclable filters. And do you really believe these masks will fit all faces? Because if they don't, then they will be almost useless. Care about clean air — go out of town 😄

An urban breathing mask for the 21st century

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@_jacksmith I'm building such "the only" service and calling it so because know nobody who provides such functionality.

The world's fastest messenger

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Interesting place to get inspiration of how some tools can be combined together.
However don't think that "stack" deployed on one machine in docker containers is suitable for production.

Find the perfect Stack for your next project

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Is it possible to integrate sketchboard with other messengers like Telegram?

Sketchboard for Slack
Digital team whiteboard for visual communication on Slack

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Talking about technical debts, are you planning to add some sort of evaluation for project's dependencies, like versioneye or gemnasium do?

Codacy 2.0
Code analysis to ship better code, faster

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Alan, this project become more interesting if you'll add ability to integrate it with company's intranet. This way, collegues will not have to register by themselves, but they will be registered by some script and will receive invitations for a cup of coffee automatically.
What do you think?

Coworker Coffee
Coffee with a different coworker each week