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  • Taran Srivastava

    Taran Srivastava

    Solving rev-ops using AI
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    Taran Srivastava
    Taran Srivastava
    started a discussion

    Why are we not getting a rank?

    We launched today, it is still live. I can see that the products in the featured section have a rank, whereas we, somehow not got featured and do not have a rank as well, despite being #3 in terms of upvotes. Why is this happening?
    Taran Srivastava
    Taran Srivastava
    started a discussion

    Did not get featured despite #2 as soon as the rankings started

    Our product is ranked #2 for today's launch. But we still are not in the featured list? I want to understand what did I do incorrectly to not get featured? I have also reached out to the Product hunt team, but they have not yet responded. Can anyone help with the criteria or the reason? Thanks.