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Saad Kamal
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Love the concept. Report card feature is pretty cool! Are you working with any schools currently?
NLP-assisted grading to help teachers work like tutors
Saad Kamal
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I don't know if I can trust FB in my living room...
Facebook Portal
Smart, hands-free calling, with Alexa built in
How much does it cost to run a startup
Popular SaaS companies often talk about their MRR, but what about their monthly running costs?
Startup Costs
This shows Recurring Costs of running a SaaS business.
Saad Kamal
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The app looks sleek. Looking forward to giving this a try.
Codecademy Go
Practice coding anywhere.
Saad Kamal
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Interesting idea. Would love to give this a try.
Sans Forgetica
Scientifically designed font to help remember study notes
Saad Kamal
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Love everything about the product except for the Robotic voice on this video..haha. Dirk could have done the voiceover himself ..#justsaying. Good job though!
Free macOS text recognition, PDF composition & compression
Saad Kamal
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Could you talk about your technology? Are you using WebRTC? will it work on iOS - Safari?
TwentyThree Webinars
A webinar tool you can finally love