Mendo shows the most-shared links from your Twitter followers. Today we are launching Groups, curated lists of top influencers on particular topics, and surfacing public pages where you can see what these people are talking about.
Groups include: Technologists, Economists, Politicos, Scientists, and Urbanists

Mendo shows you the most talked-about links this week from people you follow, and pulls everything they're saying together into one thread.
We filter out ads, algorithmic content, and anything from people you don't follow.
The first version of Mendo is a daily email with the top 5 links from your Twitter community.
Justin & Tom

Pod is a brand new way of thinking about calendar - it is the calendar about people, not just your schedule.
See context on anyone you interact with - the email that led to the meeting, social links, and more. Put contacts on sortable lists to see who you need to follow up with.
It's free and does not require registration - check it out!