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Tomer Lerner
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Wow @liorgrossman
Onboarding is short and to the point and the resulting text is incredible. We humans are in for a ride no doubt...

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AI-driven wiki aggregator created to enhance user experience on Wikipedia by streamlining knowledge consumption.
Add timelines, top questions, and chat to every Wikipedia article, customize every design aspect, and make Wikipedia your own!

Streamline Wikipedia knowledge and answer your questions

Tomer Lerner
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š Hello Product Hunters! I'm Tomer Lerner, creator of Wikiwand
Wikiwand was founded over a decade ago (crazy!) by @liorgrossman and Ilan Lewin. I joined as the first employee to design and help with client-side development. Initially, we focused on enhancing Wikipedia's UX, which, at the time, lagged behind most web products. It was a huge success, with most users arriving via our Chrome...

Streamline Wikipedia knowledge and answer your questions

Tomer Lerner
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@liorgrossman love the visibility of the rating bar, if you add a top (maybe random?) review for each rating on hover it'll be even more helpful

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