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Tom Eversley
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I started this site a couple of years ago, it's taken that time to get a useful amount of content.
It's completely free to submit a website, template or design resource, successful submissions are featured on our website, social media channels and newsletter.

Site Bureau
Curated web design inspiration, templates and resources.

Site Bureau
Curated web design inspiration, templates and resources.

Tom Eversley
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This is seriously useful, brilliant job guys.
Instant Logo Search
Search and download thousands of logos instantly

Tom Eversley
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I'm liking all of these resource lists as nearly all of them feature my stock photo site (ISO Republic), thanks for including it guys.

The ultimate list of curated freebies for creatives

Tom Eversley
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I'd love to wind some friends up with this, please bring to the UK :-)

Send Kanye lyrics & quotes anonymously

Tom Eversley
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Superb, I've used the desktop version for a while now and love it, will be purchasing this today. Great job guys.

Airmail for iOS
One of the best Mac email clients, now on iPhone

Tom Eversley
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I think this is a pretty cool Apple TV app, full control of your Mac via the Siri remote on the new ATV. This could be useful for a number of applications, I was particularly thinking about presentations on the big screen. Please note this app does require the companion app on OSX in order to work.

Remote Buddy Display for Apple TV
Control Your Mac From Your Apple TV Using The Siri Remote

Remote Buddy Display for Apple TV
Control Your Mac From Your Apple TV Using The Siri Remote