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Love the idea. Would you get experts to summarise?

SparkNotes for research articles - a COVID initiative.

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Hey Makers, building a way for makers / groups of makers to get funded and pay their expenses. .Would love it if you took a look .
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Love the idea. Great for people working in large cos .
You could link to PG's essay on developer time vs manager time.
Also given you are targeting large cos, send a daily/weekly update to managers about how much time is wasted multiplied by the salary of the people in the room. Will boost usage
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Hey @walterion1 Love the effort. But the description puts your app in a poor light.
So If you say you built a sheets app using Blockstack Auth, it will make sense to people. I.E. Graphite Docs, Also maybe use an anlogy to say if graphite is the docs, arcane is the sheets.
Just saying blockchain based google sheets makes it sound bonkers.
Arcane Sheets
New way to create and store spreadsheets on any devices.

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hey @jefreybulla looks great.Is the plan to only feature Blockstack apps? Might look like a maarketing campaign for blockstack
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Love the idea and have seen similar concpets before.
Why not use open alias? Much more scalable and open?
This increases pubkey resue which decreases security.

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Pledge time, instead of money, in exchange for rewards.