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Ditch voicemail and switch to Lucy, free for personal and business use. Lucy texts callers with a booking link, website, or email info, and sends instant call summaries to you. Say goodbye to outdated voicemail. Connect to your mobile phone in 2 minutes.

Lucy - the first free AI phone agent
To kill voicemail forever.

Vanvisa Brown
left a comment
I set Lucy up to handle my missed calls during my holiday in Bali last week. I opted for the appointment booking link feature, and Lucy AI functioned flawlessly. Good job 👍

Lucy, AI phone answering assistant
Say goodbye to missed calls and opportunities, for good

Never miss a call again - Lucy, the AI assistant answers your missed calls, sends an instant text to your callers with a call to action, takes messages, and keeps you updated in real time.

Lucy, AI phone answering assistant
Say goodbye to missed calls and opportunities, for good

Next-gen voice AI for business FAQ handling by Curious Thing AI, powered by ChatGPT. Alex, AI assistant answers frequently asked questions over the phone 24/7.
Free up your human resource, reduce costs and improve CX. Get up and running in less than 24 hours.

ChatGPT powered voice AI assistant, Alex
Answer business FAQs over the phone 24/7

Every call is potential revenue. Yet, 6 out of 10 calls made to businesses go unanswered. Lucy, the enterprise-grade voice AI assistant for SMBs answers every call, gathers customer details and books appointments on the spot.

Voice AI Assistant for SMBs, Lucy
Answer every call, capture leads and book appointments