Varun Mayya

Varun Mayya

CEO, Scenes (
228 points
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Varun Mayya
The first ever AI platform trained to generate high performance thumbnails and ad creatives. Get hundreds of high performance image options in just a few clicks.
Your personal AI creative artist is here
Varun Mayya
Revolutionize your messaging with GPT-3.5 in WhatsApp. No credentials needed. Just like texting your friends, you can now get help from a powerful AI on a range of topics, from wound care to cooking to philosophy. Simply message the bot and get instant access to God-level advice!
God In A Box
God In A Box
Chat with GPT-3.5, known as chatGPT, directly on Whatsapp
Varun Mayya
Community Masters is a FREE 377-page, in-depth guide to building communities; from our own experiences building and scaling a Discord server to 50,000 members and our own community app to 120,000 members and 2200 communities.
Community Masters
Community Masters
The ultimate 377-page community building guide
Varun Mayya
Scenes is where you can find a real online home for your communities and friends.
With over 50 thousand members, Scenes helps you build a career network, create a personal brand, and helps you pursue your passions through the power of community.
Scenes by Avalon
Scenes by Avalon
Where the world's communities spend time together
Varun Mayya

Welcome to the end of the Delaware C Corp. Enkidu is a Blockchain based solution that allows teams to create companies instantly and run them at near zero costs, via an automated system. From dispute resolution to vesting periods, we've got it all. Each Enkidu project comes with a payment gateway that programmatically obeys the resolutions passed - every decision your company makes dynamically modifies it's payment gateway!

A brand new way to start and run companies at zero cost
Varun Mayya

Content Station introduces Content-as-a-Service (CaaS). Get content on-demand : from blog articles, newsletters, e-books, podcasts and videos. Created by humans, for you!

Content Station
Content Station
On-Demand Content : Introducing Content-as-a-Service (CaaS)
Varun Mayya

Calm India is a platform made to improve mental resilience, built for India. Based on 1400 research papers, Calm India is hoping to help eradicate stress, anxiety and depression with a fun, experiment based video and audio course that's laced with humour yet delivers scientific Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). No pseudoscience. No bullshit.

Calm India
Calm India
CBT Platform that helps build mental resilience, for India.
Varun Mayya
Helping Indians find jobs they love with top startups.