Victor Ferrer 🎈

Victor Ferrer 🎈

@ | Launching soon πŸš€
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Victor Ferrer 🎈
Manual accounting tasks are tedious. We automate them. Vuala finds all expense invoices scattered among employees, digital platforms and utilities, then uploads them to the ERP, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. Try Vuala and simplify your accounting operations.
Vuala 1.0
Find all your company invoices
Victor Ferrer 🎈
Thanks for the list :)
Ghost Kitty
πŸ”₯20 Best PH launch tips. What did I miss?
Victor Ferrer 🎈
Where in Spain?
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Victor Ferrer 🎈
Upvoted. Congrats on your launch!
Priyanka Saini
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Victor Ferrer 🎈
Victor Ferrer 🎈
started a discussion

Anyone using Amazon Business US?

Hi, at, we automate the extraction of expense invoices from Amazon Business (among other providers). However, the API for Amazon Business US is different from the one used in other countries, making integration challenging. Besides attempting to find someone who can provide us access to their account in order to do and test the integration, is there anything else we can do? Thank...
Victor Ferrer 🎈
Victor Ferrer 🎈
started a discussion

For those of you launching soon πŸš€, if your product were a superhero, which one would it be?

I'd be happy to try out upcoming products and provide feedback. Mine: LI:
Victor Ferrer 🎈
Victor Ferrer 🎈
started a discussion

Anyone launching soon? Wanted to share our pre-launch thoughts with you :)
Victor Ferrer 🎈
Us in 2 weeks :)
Mohamed Hassan
Who is launching this week?
Mohamed Hassan
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