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Vidunas Gedeikis
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Let's hope this will encourage social media content creators to be more clear and more clean in sense of greenwashing
Stay compliant with green marketing regulations

Vidunas Gedeikis
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Very convenient tool to find a proper domain name. Some results are quite positively unexpected ;)
Free GPT-4 powered business & domain name generator

Vidunas Gedeikis
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"built with no-code" what is that ?
Turn the Christmas gift rush into an adventure

Vidunas Gedeikis
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I am thrilled and looking forward for some more ideas. So far it looks interesting as those ideas are already validated against market. Thanks for sharing and validating some trends I believe it is a good source of next business idea. Definitely I'll use it to explore some ideas in more depth ;)
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Weekly startup idea backed by real data.

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