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Have been a daily user of the previous version, absolutely love it, can't wait to use this one now.

TextLab 2
Developer's Swiss army knife

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@shaokanp @amy_jeng I've not been able to create a login account in this app, I am encountering unknown error 422. Also, one of my suggestions is to have a common account across Forest and Sleeptown, and have a double reward system. For ex: if I am successful in my waking up targets, there has to be at least a few trees planted in the forest app, if not these two apps might cannibalize each other.

The creative & fun way to get the sleep schedule you need.

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@amy_jeng, @shaokanp, One feature request would be to add a circle of tags around the tree where we set the time. This would enable users to actively nominate the activity for which the users are keeping the phone away, thereby enabling you to provide much richer insights.

Put down your phone and stay focused. Or a tree will die. 🌳😵

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@amy_jeng @shaokanp, I mentioned your App in one of my latest blogs, take a look at it whenever you get time.

Put down your phone and stay focused. Or a tree will die. 🌳😵

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. @jhanji I badly needed a tool like this. The user experience with current data transfer from iphone to mac is not great at all, I would have liked Apple to fix it. Kudos to your team. Best of luck.

Access your iPhone on Mac. No cloud, just magic.

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@paulmayne I've really started to like @dayoneapp. I've one main feature request to make.
Search highlighting: The app's search capability is good but it doesn't highlight the text in the note where it's found. It's particularly tricky to find the search word if the note is pretty long and needs the user to scroll through the note.

Day One 2.0
Ground-up rewrite of the best journal for Mac and iPhone

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Embedding video in blogs or email will be my feature request for this @darynakulya
Record your screen, share & know instantly when people watch

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I had written about this a couple of months back.

Events, from Facebook
Find things to do near you

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@guilegaspar @arthur_camara @mackflavelle Just yesterday I wrote on my feature request list about this feature as a suggestion to one of the existing extensions 'The Great Suspender'. I think your extension is going to be a hit and there are so many possibilities in the future. All the best

Better Than Bookmarks

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Hi @ma7moudfelfel @hammadh4, adding a time estimation during the process of #play transcribing will help to avoid user frustration.

Play (for Medium)
Listen to Medium Stories with a Chrome Extension

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@shaokanp @amy_jeng do check out Nir Eyal's Hooked model. One of the things that's missing in this product is 'Tribe' reward, an ability to connect with your friends who are together with you in your quest of fighting the attention deficit. If there was a feature to invite friends either through Facebook/email, it could become even more engaging.

Put down your phone and stay focused. Or a tree will die. 🌳😵

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Is it funny or is it genius?! Will find out :)

Alarm that wakes you up earlier when traffic is bad

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Top points for the ease of use, simplicity and its overall functionality. I am sure they could get more users if they had more pricing options. 6
Design, prototype, collaborate, test. Prototyping for all.

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One of the best books I've read. Go get a copy right away.

Predictably Irrational
Hidden forces that shape our decisions