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  • vivan puri

    vivan puri

    Building: OpenOs: 1 command for any task
    74 points
    Call of DutyOpenOs
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    vivan puri
    vivan puri
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    The product looks amazing - going to try it out for sure
    Notion CSM Dashboard
    A second brain for customer success managers
    vivan puri
    vivan puri
    started a discussion

    AMA: We are building a product using GPT, Prophet & BERT for user, & financial data analysis.

    Happy to share our experience in building the product & any questions if you are also planning to build the same. Link to our product: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/openos
    vivan puri
    OpenOs is an AI-powered platform for data and financial analysis. It integrates databases, payment gateways, and ML models like GPT and Bert, with a natural language interface. You can create reports, write queries, and make forecasts using natural language.
    ChatGpt for user, financial & marketing data analysis
    vivan puri
    vivan puri
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    Trying to solve problem I myself faced at previous companies.
    Samar Ali
    How did you come up with your startup's idea?
    vivan puri
    vivan puri
    left a comment
    Doesn’t scale.
    Hilal Aydın
    What are the pros and cons of no-code development according to you?
    vivan puri
    vivan puri
    left a comment
    I use screen.studio - one of the best tools I have found for making basic videos. And then I use IMovie to add any music / voice over
    Shaifali Mehta
    What's the most challenging aspect of making a product launch video and how to overcome it?
    Shaifali Mehta
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    vivan puri
    vivan puri
    started a discussion

    Other than PH where do you discover new products ?

    For me the go to places are: 1. Hacker News 2. YC launch
    vivan puri
    vivan puri
    left a comment
    Everyday as well
    Ferran Martinez
    How many days a week you work on your side projects? (average)
    Ferran Martinez
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    vivan puri
    vivan puri
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    Vague job descriptions for sure
    Franziska Kroll
    🚩🚩🚩 What are your red flags in job postings?
    Franziska Kroll
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    vivan puri
    vivan puri
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    100% given the amount of information some way to condense, search & recall is needed
    Shiv Shankar
    Do you think Knowledge management system is must in our day to day life ?
    vivan puri
    vivan puri
    started a discussion

    What does your MVP tech stack consist of ?

    Would be curious to know your tech stack. At OpenOs.tools, we are using: Stack: T3 Other- GPT 3, Run SQL, GitHub, DataDog, Sentry Marketing - Webflow - for landing pages - Segment - to automate data flows - Google analytics - for tracking user source / visits - Microsoft clarity- to discover potential bugs
    vivan puri
    vivan puri
    started a discussion

    Which analytics tool do you use ?

    There are so many analytics tools out there - wondering which ones you use & if you would recommend it ?
    vivan puri
    vivan puri
    left a comment
    Planning to launch in the next few weeks as well!
    Ankur Singh
    Who all are launching their product in next couple of month? Let's connect!!
    +1 comment
    vivan puri
    vivan puri
    left a comment
    Thanks 🍺
    vivan puri
    What steps do you take to validate a startup idea ?
    vivan puri
    vivan puri
    left a comment
    Haven’t tried motion for Workflow management. Tried Jira, asana & trello
    vivan puri
    What workflow management tools do you suggest?