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Volodymyr Spodaryk
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Looks cool! Wanted to ask questions here, but got answers through the chat already 😅

Reply AI Chat
AI demo machine, sales-trained chat with video avatars

Volodymyr Spodaryk
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Great idea! And it is really relevant in our country, where you never know what will be tomorrow.
I also thought to implement something like this, but was concerned to visit some page literally till the rest of my life.
Like, a lot of times. Probably at least every week because you don't want to send this emails right after/during your vacation or periodic digital detox.
Thinking that would be...

iDied – After death notes
Like online will, but for notes

Volodymyr Spodaryk
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Really cool idea to highlight cool Ukrainian products and services!
Spend with Ukraine
Support Ukrainian products and services

Volodymyr Spodaryk
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Use trial and sandbox accounts if there are any API.
What would you prefer when trying a new product: trial or demo? Poll 👇
Lisa Dziuba
Join the discussion

Volodymyr Spodaryk
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Awesome product!
Really needed to start any project to don't spend time on preparing ToU and PP.
Special thanks, that there are templates in non-English languages.
BTW, @yuriy_zaremba is there ToU and PP in Ukrainian? I haven't found yet.
Avodocs 2.0
Free legal documents for startups

Volodymyr Spodaryk
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It was pretty good plugin. But from early 2019 it starts to break some pages (JS errors, missing elements, etc.). For 90% cases it still works pretty well, but your browser can break at any moment on any page.
Ghostery 8
Blocks ads, stops trackers, and speeds up websites

Volodymyr Spodaryk
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Will it work for 3G connection on iPhone?

The App
Faster, more private internet by Cloudflare, now on mobile

Volodymyr Spodaryk
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The only one cons is that some sites are still loading with white background and become dark only when page load finished. As result page might blink and radiate a lot of light during these few seconds.
Dark Reader
Dark theme for every website, care for your eyes

Volodymyr Spodaryk
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UPD: issue was quickly resolved: it was flag of Haiti not Russia (they look pretty similar on white background in small resolution).Epic fail with Russian flag for Ukraine!And looks like it is not just screenshot, it is in app too.Image from newsletter from ProductHunt: on...

The coding app for beginners by Google

Volodymyr Spodaryk
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Waiting to advanced versions.
Pros: Really simple demo for beginners.
Cons: Didn't understand how multiple nodes should work (in demo).

Blockchain Demo
Visual demonstration of blockchain technology