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Tyson Ferguson
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Hey everyone!
Tyson here from Clyp. We’re excited to share some awesome new premium features that we’ve been working on.
Clyp has been known for a few years now as a streamlined audio sharing and hosting platform. We’ve grown into a creative community that contributes over 250 hours of content daily. To help make it even easier for creators on the platform, we’ve introduced some pretty rad...

Clyp Premium
High-quality audio streaming, custom embed widgets and more

Clyp is a streamlined audio sharing and hosting platform for all types of audio creators. Whether you're a music producer or podcaster, Clyp Premium gives you the tools you need to upload, host and share: Lossless WAV streaming, customized embed widgets, unlimited uploads and more.

Clyp Premium
High-quality audio streaming, custom embed widgets and more

Tyson Ferguson
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@hitdelete Neat product! We actually thought about building something similar for Clyp, but never got around to it. Maybe there's a way for us to work together? Would love to bounce around some ideas if there's any interest.

Easily record and share audio messages from your Mac menubar

Tyson Ferguson
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Something tells me there might be a cool way to use this API with Clyp... 🤔
Audio Transcription API by Scale
Audio transcription API powered by humans and AI

Tyson Ferguson
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The part I find the most interesting is the usage of the metadata to create the track. Very cool stuff 👌

Pacemaker 2.0
Create and share mixtapes with friends

Tyson Ferguson
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This is awesome! To @rrhoover's point about the future of AI and art, I definitely think that in less than 5 years we'll be hearing music on the radio that was partially (or entirely) created through AI. Lots of very cool stuff happening in this space.

Electronic music generated in real-time just for you

Tyson Ferguson
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@rajuv, I really like that there's an audio notes portion of the app. What are you guys using on the backend to host and stream back files that are recorded?

The beautifully simple note-taking app

Tyson Ferguson
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What’s good Product Hunt!
Tyson here from Clyp. We’re psyched to show you guys what we’ve been working on.
Clyp is the easiest way to upload, record and share audio - give it a try, you don’t even need an account. My Co-Founder @jpatapoff and I created it because, as musicians ourselves, we needed a simple way to share quick song ideas and get feedback without having to jump through a bunch...

Clyp 2.0
The easiest way to upload, record & share audio

Clyp 2.0
The easiest way to upload, record & share audio

Tyson Ferguson
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I dig the idea. Even though it is similar to having a synced Dropbox folder on your desktop (as some people have pointed out), having the ability to see views in addition to shorter URL's is fantastic.
We've looked into adding a menu bar uploader on Mac for Clyp but haven't pulled the trigger on it. However, seeing this in action definitely makes me want to have one.
Good stuff, thanks for...
A tiny menu bar uploader for Dropbox

Tyson Ferguson
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Interesting concept. As a designer I've definitely felt the pain of dealing with user interviews. The most interesting part is definitely the transcription. What are you using to get an auto, real-time transcription?

The best way for designers to record & share user interviews

Tyson Ferguson
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Whoa. This is definitely the coolest hop hop/data project I've ever seen. Kudos to @matthew_daniels and the Billboard crew for putting this together.
Poly-graph Hip Hop
See what hip hop's billboard top 10 sounded like

Tyson Ferguson
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Very awesome that they decided to get more involved in the music creation space. I've been playing around with the app the past few days and it's slick. Now to figure out who I need to talk to at Apple to get Clyp as an export option so I don't have to share my mediocre ideas on my YouTube or Soundcloud account ;)

Music Memos by Apple
An app to capture your song ideas

Tyson Ferguson
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I dig the approach. It would be much easier to just send to one or multiple groups instead of 8 individual people as is the current UX on Snapchat.

Snapchat for groups of friends 🐙

Tyson Ferguson
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This looks awesome. What are the export options inside the app?

Create pro-quality music on your Phone

Tyson Ferguson
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I've been using Favor since they launched in Austin. Fantastic service! But like Shlok mentioned, it can add up quickly depending on what you order. I've found it works better for larger groups of people (like a hackathon or lunch meeting) as opposed to a solo dinner. It's also much more convenient than the newly launched Uber Eats. They deliver at all hours of the day and even into the wee...

The easiest way to get anything in your city delivered!

Tyson Ferguson
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This is awesome. I was having this discussion recently with someone on how Clyp could help fuel a stock sound effects site.

Shutterstock for sound effects

Tyson Ferguson
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Hey everybody, I'm one of the creators of Clyp. Clyp is transforming the way people capture and share the everyday sounds in their lives. From the heartbeat of an unborn child, teachers using it as a language learning tool, to musicians using it to capture their works in progress, Clyp is the go-to choice for uploading and sharing raw audio. Outside of Clyp, there’s no easy way to get your...

Easiest way to record and share audio clips

Easiest way to record and share audio clips