Wyatt Diaz

Wyatt Diaz

Games & full-stack developer.
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Wyatt Diaz
Play Super Mario 64 at school, or home in Fullscreen mod. If you want to play SM64 at restricted places like schools or some hospitals, chances are that most sites are blocked. In that case, you can still use our site to play SM64 without interruptions.
Super Mario 64
Super Mario 64
Play Super Mario 64 in fullscreen
Wyatt Diaz
Welcome to the most hilarious game of the internet - Spend Billionaire Money. Spend Billionaire Money is a fantasy simulation game where you can spend the fortunes of billionaires like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos.
Spend Billionaire Money
Spend Billionaire Money
Spend Billionaire/Elon Musk money