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The Volta Chrome extension brings features right inside GitHub. Open issues and repositories on Volta, assign statuses to issues and pull requests, mark Volta notifications as read automatically when browsing GitHub.

Volta Chrome Extension
Bring Volta experience to GitHub

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I'm using Volta daily to drive a wide variety of projects, from public to private ones, and I can tell this has been a giant improvement to my workflow in comparison to what it was by using GitHub alone for same tasks!
I couldn't recommend it enough if you're willing to improve your daily workflows but keep everything in sync with GH!

Supercharged GitHub experience

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This is amazing! Good job @randyloop 🙌

Open-source, lightweight comment system for your website

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This is amazing! Good job!

LottieFiles for VS Code
Speed up your Lottie workflow right from within VS Code

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The UI is neat, why about allowing users to login with GitHub and manage their gists using it?
I'm using Lepton to save my snippets, and would be glad to switch on an app with a better UI such as yours, but I cant afford to lose my GitHub gists.
Thank you for this product anyway, good job!

Manage and share your code snippets

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The new theme look so great !
I love Alfred and never switched back to Spotlight once I tried it !
I've even built a bullet journal app linked to my Alfred prompt, you can take a look at it here:

Alfred 4.3
Alfred is now Universal and adds gorgeous Big Sur theming

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🎉 This is super useful; good job!
AI color palette generator for Tailwindcss

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Hello hunters 👋
I've been working on this project and using it myself for more than a year now. I once released it under the name of CandyLists, but this is a complete rewrite I'm showing here today.
Zouw is an alternative web experience for YouTube, focused on bringing your interests back at the core of your YouTube consumption.
The main feature is the ability to group channels under...

YouTube without the fuss

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Good job Karm! Keep going! :)
Press Ctrl+M to hide/show the YouTube video player controls.

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This is perfectly executed, good job! :)

Shape Divider
Create fully responsive shape dividers for your next project

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Hello guys,
I've been watching my girlfriend write her bullet journal daily and the impact it has on her and the look she has on her past.
I've so been working on Journapi as a need to reflect on what I'm doing daily.
I spend a lot of time on my computer and handwriting a journal feels like a pain to me.
I love command prompts such as Alfred, or CLI interfaces, and it always feels great to...

The techie bullet journal

Generate weekly YouTube playlists by choosing a source playlist that will be emptied every sunday !

Weekly playlists generator
What about making 2020 your playlists year ?

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Hello guys :)
This comes as an update for CandyLists (, a tool I published a few months ago.
Made as a tool to improve my YouTube browsing, I decided to release it as a side project.
CandyLists is a tool made to manage your playlists and subscriptions, read them like a feed, and make subscriptions/playlists folder that generate a feed out of it....

Weekly playlists generator
What about making 2020 your playlists year ?