Yannell Selman

Yannell Selman

Founder @ Cultiveit.io
425 points
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Yannell Selman
Yannell Selman
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Let’s go Shimmer! ✨
Shimmer 2.0
Shimmer 2.0
ADHD Coaching, now AI-enhanced
Yannell Selman
If you're tired of touchy feely well-being solutions, this playbook is for you. Designed for those looking to perform at the highest levels, this evidence-based, comprehensive guide offers a roadmap to sustainable peak performance.
The Upward Spiral Playbook
The Upward Spiral Playbook
A burnout prevention guide for high performers
Yannell Selman
Yannell Selman
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Reducing flight times! Just got off a 10 hour flight - how can we cut that in half 😅
What's one problem in your daily life that you wish there was a tech solution for?
Yannell Selman
Yannell Selman
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Ohhhh agree on micro and macro breaks
Taylor Spratt
Which L&D session topics most peak your interest for 2024?
Taylor Spratt
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Yannell Selman
Yannell Selman
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Love this!! Thanks for sharing!
Dorian Barrero-Dominguez
Free Cultiveit Holiday Workshop Raffle
Dorian Barrero-Dominguez
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Yannell Selman
Yannell Selman
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What are some of the challenges you have around team building?

We built this map of 300+ team building activities all over the world, and are interested in learning more about what additional items/features we can add to make it more helpful to managers! https://www.cultiveit.io/team-building-recs (Bonus: If you have any recs to add, please feel free to let me know in the comments and I'll add it!)
Yannell Selman
Yannell Selman
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What's your favorite High Quality Time-Off (HQTO) experience?

Select from below or share your own! Sharing pictures gets extra credit.
Yannell Selman
Yannell Selman
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Very cool! Love the two way integration.
Fully customizable & decentralized two-way integration