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Design your professional logo in seconds with AI. No design skills needed. Create unique, customizable logos for your brand - try our free AI logo maker now!

Logo Maker
Generate your AI logo in seconds

Yating Zo
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A great brand starts with a great logo!
No Design Experience Needed, Easily Customize Your Unique Logo

Logo Maker
Generate your AI logo in seconds

Translate any document (PDF, Word, Excel, PPT...) into 130+ languages and keeps the original layout. Experience seamless document translation with Transmonkey.
Document Translator
Translate Documents Online with AI

Yating Zo
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🎉 Hello, Product Hunt community!
We’re thrilled to introduce AI Homework Helper, students' ultimate study companion!
Join us as we empower students to become confident, independent learners! We can't wait for you to try it out and share your thoughts. 🙌

AI Homework Helper
24/7 AI learning companion covering all subject homework

Explore Homework Helper, your 24/7 homework solver for all subjects. Get personalized, instant step-by-step guidance, and explanations for any question.

AI Homework Helper
24/7 AI learning companion covering all subject homework

Transmonkey is an AI translation software supporting 130+ languages, offering document, video, image, and audio translation tools. It has large language model support, comprehensive file format support, efficient processing, and user-friendly extensions.
Translate document, image, video online with AI

Yating Zo
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Welcome to the Transmonkey platform! We're thrilled to introduce our advanced AI translator, designed to break down language barriers and connect the world.
We'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences. How do you envision using Transmonkey in your daily life or business? Let's start a discussion and explore the endless possibilities together! 🌐✨
Document Translator
Translate Documents Online with AI

Yating Zo
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Welcome to the Transmonkey community! We're thrilled to introduce our advanced AI translation software, designed to break down language barriers and connect the world. Whether you're translating documents, videos, or images, Transmonkey has got you covered with support for over 130 languages.
We'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences. How do you envision using Transmonkey in your daily...
Translate document, image, video online with AI

Yating Zo
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If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave me a message. Thank you
GPT Slides Maker
ChatGPT convert text prompts, video, PDF, web page to Slides

Support from text, pdf, video, url to generate slide™, Support for 30+ mainstream languages, AI-generated Images for Slides™.
GPT Slides Maker
ChatGPT convert text prompts, video, PDF, web page to Slides

Yating Zo
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This is very interesting. It is very meaningful to make a Christmas avatar for Christmas, and we must support it.

Avatar Maker - Add a Santa Hat
Add a santa hat or approval badge to your social profiles