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  • Darko Williams

    Darko Williams

    FirstPayingUsers.com 🚀 34 Acq. Channels
    51 points
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    Darko Williams
    Darko Williams
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    It's really hard to give you ideas without getting more information on what you rapp is about, "smart" can mean 1000 things.
    Aaron Scicchitano
    Looking for creative ways to market our app outside of social media, thoughts?
    Aaron Scicchitano
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    Darko Williams
    Darko Williams
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    I'll start first: Niche communities.
    Darko Williams
    What's the last acquisition channel that worked for you?
    Darko Williams
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    Darko Williams
    Darko Williams
    started a discussion

    When did SEO start working for you?

    When did you notice SEO starting to work for you & getting you a consistent flow of new users?
    Darko Williams
    Darko Williams
    started a discussion

    What's the last acquisition method that worked for you (but you didn't expect it would)?

    Let me start first: - Posting on a niche community forum (without an explicit mention of my product). People just clicked on my profile, checked my bio/product and signed up. So I've basically used curiosity, under-estimating the effort people would take to get curious and check out my profile. What about you?
    Darko Williams
    Darko Williams
    started a discussion

    How many of your users come from "powered by" marketing?

    I've been reading a lot of founder interviews and one of the main acquisition channels a lot of them mention is having some version of a "powered by" link on their customers' websites. The most obvious example is live chat. Then widgets (one founder noticed that after a local newspaper started using their widgets, almost every competitor signed up). Have you noticed something similar with...
    Darko Williams
    Darko Williams
    left a comment
    Seems like a good product.
    Mayo COVID-19
    Mayo COVID-19
    COVID-19 tracker from Mayo Clinic