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Noise-free crypto updates ranked by community
Vadim Zolotokrylin
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Great stuff, Mark 💪
I hope we can get valuable feedback from the crowd over here!
Noise-free crypto updates ranked by community
Vadim Zolotokrylin
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May be how not to be a fool (don't confuse yourself and your team) about the product-market fit. I am talking in particular about the illusion that the next feature will suddenly make people use the product you build. It is covered in this article by Andrew Chen:
What aspects of running a startup/ a tight-knit team need to be written about more?
Sindhu Shivaprasad
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Vadim Zolotokrylin
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Please join us for BETA testing. We have a time-limited special terms for crypto-businesses. Looking forward to talking to anyone who is interested! 😅
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