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  • 0 Friend 0 Follower how can you be so sure to get an upvote?

    4 replies


    Henry Sanchez
    Networking and engagement are key. Start by participating in discussions, offering useful comments, and building relationships within the community. Over time, your contributions will gain visibility, and people will be more likely to upvote your posts.
    Gaspard Dupuich
    Getting an upvote is more about the content than the follower count. By contributing meaningful insights or answering questions thoughtfully, you can attract attention and upvotes from people who find your content helpful or interesting.
    Ethan Young
    Even with 0 friends and 0 followers, quality content can still shine through. Focus on creating valuable, engaging posts, and share them in relevant communities where your target audience is active. Authenticity and relevance often resonate more than numbers.
    Gurkaran Singh
    Well, it's like coding without bugs – you never really know until you hit run! But hey, confident zeros make for great underdogs in the digital world, right?