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  • #1 Developer Tool of the Month!! 🔥 5 Tips 🔥

    Tanya Rai
    1 reply
    It's been a little over a month since we launched LastMile AI on Product Hunt and wanted to share some insights and where we are now. Here’s how we stacked up: - #1 Developer Tool of the Month - #2 Product of the Day - #4 Product of the Week - 956 Upvoters 1. PH is still a good lever for developer tools Our team was a little hesitant if PH was going to be the right community given that we are a developer platform for generative AI and we've observed the best products on PH tend to be more consumer-focused. However, we were pleasantly surprised by the results. We not only saw a spurt in growth - we saw a lot of interest in the following weeks after from developers, companies, and investors. The 2nd order effects of PH proved really helpful for us. 2. Tailor your content and messaging We spent a great deal of time of nailing our messaging in a way that was palatable to not only developers but the broader PH community as well. If you’re a dev tool, it’s good to tailor your messaging and media assets to the PH community since it will resonate more. 3. Engage with the community On launch day, we had the whole team on board to respond to messages almost instantly. This was a round the clock effort bby the team to show that we were actively engaged and interested in what feedback we were receiving from the PH community. We left no questions or comments answered. 4. Prepare your network/product community ahead of time. We let our network and product community know that we had planned to launch on PH for the first time. It was super valuable for us to have the support from our existing users and network and they came through for us. We recommend having a spreadsheet across the team on contacts and power users that really will show up for you on launch day. 5. Focus on use cases and value prop Sometimes developer tools focus a lot on technical details which can deter from the value proposition of the product. Remember to really focus on the value your tool provides to the end user whether its making development faster or collaboration easier. These are the messages that are more likely to resonate on PH! What are we up to now at LastMile AI? We recently launched AIConfig - our first open source project. AIConfig is a framework that makes it easy to build generative AI applications for production. It manages generative AI prompts, models and model parameters as JSON-serializable configs that can be version controlled, evaluated, monitored and opened in a notebook playground for rapid prototyping. Check it out here! https://github.com/lastmile-ai/aiconfig Feel free to ask me anything about our PH launch or AIConfig!


    Aarya Mecwan
    Congrats on the success! Still loving LastMile for every day