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  • 10 Tips I would Give Myself in the Beginning

    Dan Kulkov
    4 replies
    $38 000 and 10 MakerBox launches after... … I would give these 10 tips myself in the beginning [learn from my mistakes] 1️⃣ Baby steps > Ambitious goals Don't dream about 10 000 followers. Instead, write one thread and engage with all replies. Everyone dreams about success. Less than 1% actually does something towards it. 2️⃣ Get more feedback Your ideas are (at best) slightly above average. Want them to be the best? Ask people to roast you. It will be painful. You will love it. 3️⃣ Build painkillers Vitamins are fancy and trending. But nobody buys them. Painkillers are boring. But people would walk 5km to get one. Want to grow? Stop selling vitamins. 4️⃣ One goal at the time Productivity Operating Systems are overrated. Being efficient is simple. You just need to be ruthlessly focused. One monthly goal. One weekly goal. One daily goal. No multitasking. 5️⃣ Learn copywriting Landing pages, Emails, Tweets, Newsletters issues, Blog articles, Launch posts, Cold DMs, and Customer Support. You will write a lot. Don't suck at it. 6️⃣ Do it for free Not everything should be monetized. Roast landing pages for free. Consult fellow Makers about marketing for free. You won't see the results in your bank account right away. But people will. And it will come back to you. 7️⃣ Close the laptop You can't generate outside-the-box ideas if you look at the laptop for 15 hours straight. Go for a walk. Hit the gym. Cook a new meal. Boredom is a magnet for great ideas. 8️⃣ Keep it lean You don't need a Twitter tool to get the first 1000 followers. You don't need an online course to improve your SEO. Tools are not the key to success. Ideas and execution are. 9️⃣ Wait for 6 months Magic doesn't happen right away. The compound effect needs at least 6 months to get visible. Your job? Don't quit. At least for 6 months. 🔟 Enjoy the moment You can launch on Product Hunt for the first time only once. You can get shadowbanned on Reddit for the first time only once. It will become a routine. Enjoy it while it's not.


    Angeli Zhao
    Flamme AI - The Couples App
    Thank you for these! Very helpful and motivating.
    Mauro Baldoni
    Great suggestion Dan 🙏