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  • What are some of your favorite products built with no-code?

    Aaron O'Leary
    10 replies
    Hey everyone! Aaron from the community team at Product Hunt and one of my newest big interests is building with no-code, I'm always on the lookout for cool ideas built with no-code for discovery and also for inspiration, I'd love to get a thread going of all your favorites here, lets inspire each other!


    Sandhya Ramachandran
    @aaronoleary if magazines count, I love Brain Pickings by Maria Popova! :)
    Aaron O'Leary
    @thedreamydryad Brain pickings is fantastic!
    Ben Tossell
    @aaronoleary makerpad.co 😏
    Dre DurrπŸ’‘
    @aaronoleary besides @bentossell products. I really have no idea what on the web has been built with no code.
    Najmuzzaman Mohammad
    @aaronoleary I have built go.venturebasecamp.co, a platform to assess entrepreneurs across 12 Critical Success Elements and then provide them a personalized roadmap to success using startup toolkits completely on a no-code platform called bubble.is. It is a closed platform and you can find more about it on venturebasecamp.co. If someone is interested, message me personally and and I can provide you a demo access.
    Lisa Dziuba
    Don’t Panic by Lemon.io
    @aaronoleary I love building useful learning resources on GitHub. You don't need to make a website or code, you can just use Readme file for the GitHub project. So it's very easy to share any knowledge you have and encourage the community to contribute. ✨ For example: πŸ‘Œ Awesome Design Tools β€” 400 hand-picked design tools for every possible task you might have. Built with @valiahavruliyk and contributors: https://github.com/LisaDziuba/Aw... πŸ‘Œ Marketing for Engineers β€” A curated collection of marketing articles & tools to grow your product: https://github.com/LisaDziuba/Ma... I think GitHub Readme projects are a good way of making "No-Code" things.
    Valia Havryliuk
    @aaronoleary @lisadziuba Absolutely agree. It was really fantastic to make such repo with useful resources without any code. And I am looking forward to creating amazing things with coda.io!