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  • Cost-Effective ways to Delight your customer

    Girdharee Saran
    0 replies
    What is the biggest dilemma right now? You need customers. You also need to keep your existing customer happy. You also need to reduce the operational cost, though this might annoy some of your loyal customers who are used to a certain level of handholding, support, etc. The question is how can you delight your customer in a way that keeps them happy, makes them stick to you and they also introduce you to their friends. I am writing an article on Cost-Effective ways to Delight your customer, Would you like to contribute? It would be published on https://www.surveysensum.com/blog/. Drop a note to girsaran@gmail.com or comment here if you would like to share your thoughts, selected comments will be featured with a link back to contributor's website/social media profile.
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