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  • 5,500 subscribers in the email list. What next?

    Igor Kapustin
    3 replies
    By selling illustrations, I have already accumulated more than 5.5k unique customers on my Gumroad account. Now I'm thinking about how to use it further. First of all, maybe I won't do anything, let the email base grow. Maybe I'll start sending emails when I reach 10k uniques. Secondly, how do that? Gumroad has its own email-sending capabilities. Moreover, it is free! I think this is very important because mailings cost money. Or do need I to try something else? Email checker to clean my mailing list. Then create a beautiful email in some email builder. And try to create an email campaign with an email chain and send it through known platforms. Is all this really necessary? Wouldn't it be enough to send a few emails with promo codes (something like -80% on everything, super sale) through Gumroad and that's it? 0$ and the same effect. Is it really so? Do you have experience with this? Does it really make sense to use expensive and well-known platforms?


    Krishna Kumar
    How much time did it take you to accumulate all these contacts? Asking because there is always a churn in email ids, what with people leaving jobs and all that. Remember reading somewhere that as much as half your email database could become useless in six months. So, keeping on collecting email ids may not actually be a valuable proposition in itself
    Igor Kapustin
    @kkumarkg Yep, I heard about it too! That's why I decided to make some decisions about this base. It seems that there are not many e-mails and I can still collect them, but considering the fact that, as you wrote, they simply will no longer be actual, then I need to make some kind of decision in order to get a profit.
    Daniyar Yeskaliyev
    Email marketing is great, but don't think about this feature only. You can use a more smart approach. Ad platforms like Google Ads and Facebook have an option for targeting ads by a customer 'interests profile' or something like that. In order to create this campaign, you can feed the email or phone numbers list to the add network. Then you can use these 2 options for targeting ads: 1. Target ads to that exact audience. For 5.5K I think at least 3k accounts will be matched by Google and Facebook. 2. (And my favorite one) Create what's called a look-alike audience. From 5.5k it should give you way broader audience of the people who have similar behavior on the web like your existing customers. The option 2 can help you expand your audience dramatically by reaching customer that you didn't even know. AI does the 'matching' with your existing audience, and the contacts are encrypted so that google / facebook don't steal your list.