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  • Is there an example of using mutation to update goal?

    Roy Shao
    5 replies
    I tried to change my goal in API explorer using my PH login, but I got error saying "SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0" ``` mutation { goalUpdate(input: {goalId: 12345, title: "test update"}) { clientMutationId } } ```


    Roy Shao
    mutation { goalUpdate(input: {goalId: 12345, title: "test update"}) { clientMutationId } }
    Dhruv Parmar
    @roy_shao can you try something like this, after logging in via product hunt in the explorer app mutation($goalUpdateInput: GoalUpdateInput!) { goalUpdate(input: $goalUpdateInput) { node { title id } } } and inside query variables you can put the input values like { "goalUpdateInput": { "goalId": goal_id, "title": new_title_here } }
    Roy Shao
    @dhruvparmar thanks. This works for me. I'm new to GraphQL. Is it because my mutation syntax was wrong?
    Dhruv Parmar
    @roy_shao yes, that might be the issue.