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  • Writing an book on AI

    Alin Rauta
    0 replies
    Hi everyone, I started a pre-order page on gumroad for my upcoming ebook on the basics of AI: https://gum.co/SXpw/alanturing. Demystifying AI is a non-technical book aimed at everybody that wants to understand why AI is the new electricity. It’s kind of “explaining like I’m five for AI”. Why am I doing this? Teaching someone else it’s said to be the best way of learning, so for the past four months I’ve been reading books on AI, watching almost every documentary on AI and taking courses on platforms like Udacity and Coursera to teach myself about AI. Now, I want to distill everything into an ebook that has the following purposes: 1. Teach you the basics of AI in an easily to understand manner 2. Excite you about the field of AI What do you say? Any feedback is appreciated!
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