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  • 6 hooks for your next Reel or any post

    1. Did you know... 2. Quick reminder: 3. Stop scrolling! 4. I've got a secret... 5. This is for you if... 6. True or false... Try to use them and let me know which one performed the best.


    Doğukan Tezcan
    I will use these tips, thank you :)
    Remember the good old: lead with a controversial statement and then explain. Please note, controversial does not necessarily mean "wrong".
    Jocelyn To
    Will try and let you know😎
    helpful thank you πŸ˜‰
    Mike Young
    Helpful, thanks!
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @mikeyoung44 Happy to hear that Mike. Are you using TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube? I think it can be used for any platform as they support short-form videos.