What would be your advice to yourself 48 hours ago?
Zachary Green
20 replies
Don’t overthink it.
Lieven Gekiere@liviooo
do not wait for iOS14
Double the price
confirm and clarify details of a scheduled event
Buy more milk 🙃
Order the shopping delivery now, so you don't have to think too hard about kids lunches on the weekend.
Product Hunt
dont drink 4 coffees in the space of an hour
Enjoy every minute - the people around you, your work because life can change in a split second.
Stop stressing out about exams. You can do this.
heads down and start to work again.
Open your eyes, the devil is in the details
Do not expect too much
Get enough sleep!
Just sleep over it
We Are The Luminous
Just go for it. What's the worst that can happen, just an ego bruising. Think instead, what's the best that can happen...
don't waste so much time being a perfectionist! just start already! (I tell myself that every day and we see how it ends every single time)
If you don't plan to do anything, you know you will get nothing done!:P
Heads up! Keep going
Dont use an axe next few days