How do you normally start your mornings?

Aaron O'Leary
50 replies
Morning routines are super important at least for me anyway. I typically start mine with a coffee and 30 mins offline so reading a book normally.


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I try to keep 3 things consistent to start my day - Stretching - Coffee/water - Note of what I want to accomplish this day & week
Jacqueline von Tesmar
Nurse baby Take baby for a walk Feed baby breakfast Stretch Brush my teeth Start work If I remember, choosing my top 2 goals of each day is really helpful. This makes me feel like I've accomplished my main objectives of the day.
ian brewski
0645 yoga stretches, then take my dogs for a mile run/walk 0700 go for a 3 mile run 0735 shower, brush teeth 0750 start coffee and nootropics supplement 0800 enjoy coffee...launch Spotify and set some good music depending on my mood 0805 write on my Leuchtturm1917 the date and some initial thoughts to brain dump 0815 start the work day
Micah Carroll
Honestly always with lighting incense, and my morning coffee (black) β˜•οΈ (with a side of ambient music)
Alexandra Cote
The Content Odyssey Newsletter
I have a weird habit of doing all the work in the morning. I also have my smoothie [breakfast] as I work. I'm curious if there's anyone who had this same habit and then switched to a more mindful morning practice.
Andrew Goei
Coffee and walk the dog
Debajit Sarkar
By setting concrete goals for the day. Setting goals specific to the day puts everything into motion. Having concrete goals that can be narrowed down to a few achievable ones that can be broken down into steps correlates with huge increases in confidence and feelings of control.
Manuela BΓ‘rcenas
I recently got the 5-minute journal and I'm really happy with it :) I love starting my mornings with a glass of lemon water + my journal. Anyone else journaling here?
Suddan S S
1. Do 50 Pushups and Strength exercises for 30 mins 2. Drink a Glass of Water 3. After Shower, Pray and Meditate for 10 mins 4. Journaling for 10 mins 5. 10 Ideas write up for the day 6. Quickly check with team on any important Slack Messages 7. Start my Day and handle important tasks first (Sales, Product, CS, Marketing in the order) 8. 5 mins on FB for any important user comments, 2 mins on NYTimes glancing 9. Check Emails for 5 mins.
Josh Ettwein
1) Wake my 10yo up and remind him that, yes, it's a school day 2) Head over to the home office and say good morning to my wife (she's up at 0530 every day for meetings on East Coast time) 3) Let the dog out and feed him 4) Make coffee 5) Find and write a daily inspiring quote on our kitchen whiteboard (I really need one of these: 6) Get son out the door to school 7) Open laptop in location du jour and begin first meeting at 0730
Kaylee Lieffers
100% have to exercise first!
amit godbole
1. Go for a walk alongside hearing podcast on motivation,startups. My favourite is the Masters of scale podcast . 2. Check my to do list on ! 3. Plan day on various PM apps across various projects 4.Gulp a lot of tea This gets me started for everything To-do list, Calendar & Reminders @producthunt.Chef
Arnaud MARIE
For me I, as soon as I wake up (I still fail as I'm snoozing too much) I: - Take time to remember my dreams, breath and vision my best self. - Take my nootropics (mainly Lion's Mane for the brain and spirulina for the body) - Cold-shower, meditation, acrobatics and yoga. - Read on my way to work, then listen to energizing musics. - Take 20-min to review the aims I set for the day the previous evening (on paper), then I prioritize my task and I start to discuss with my teammates. - Then I take my coffee that I've waiting it to be 1+ hours after waking up to let my body naturally wake up (Afterwards, I follow a strict Pomodoro schedule)
Ronan Wall
Mornings are all about getting my little girl up and ready for day care. Gives me good perspective on life before I get into my personal passion
Petzl Stephan
15 minutes of meditation, to become clear of my intention for the whole day.
Bikash Lalani (Vik)
My morning routine has gone through many changes over the years and has had its peaks and lows. I usually like to keep it flexible and see how my body feels. During the pandemic, I adopted new habits as well and have tried to adopt them as habits. Waking up before 6 am, 5-10 mins of run, followed by another 15 to 45 mins of exercise using the Nike Training app, shredding and breaking a coconut and then drinking the water which makes me feels super-fresh after the workout. Then reading one chapter of a book while allowing my body to rest. Using this method of one chapter per day, I have finished two books and am onto my third right now. This routine makes my day feel very productive, energetic and enthusiastic.
Nathan Svirsky
Go for a quick walk. If you're like me and kinda new to the whole working from home thing, it has transformed my day and relationship to my workspace. I've found that it ticks a lot of boxes for me: 1) Wakes me up with immediate purpose. 2) Fresh air is really underrated - especially in the morning! 3) Gets my heart pumping and body in motion. 4) Helps to reinforce my work / life balance. Once you're done, grab a coffee β˜•, sit at your desk πŸ–₯️ and get the day started πŸ’ͺ
Aaron O'Leary
@nathansvirsky Yeah walks are great, especially like them during the colder weather, brisk air wakes you up better than any coffee
Nathan Svirsky
@aaronoleary I live in London. Can confirm cold weather does help! πŸ˜†
Aaron O'Leary
@nathansvirsky Haha, living in Ireland so I'm right there with you! :D
Lauren McNeely
@nathansvirsky Totally agree - getting outside and doing something active is a game changer, especially these days! Nothing helps clear your head like a good walk, run, or hike.
Henry Dobson
I don't. I'm a night owl so I don't get up until noon and start my work day in the afternoon usually. I cook, workout, chill, and after that I start working. Works perfect for me!
Lorthemar Theiron
So many inspiring routines. I used to be quite productive in the mornings. Nowadays it's crawling out of bed, opening my PC and preparing coffee in the meantime. I had a serious injury 2 months ago. I can do even basic exercises, won't be able to for a couple more months. That has made me let go of my morning routines. I still do an afternoon walk for 30 mins just to have some sort of activity.
Eddie H.
Stickies by Crucial Human
Stickies by Crucial Human
Now that the kids are in school, 7 - 9:30 AM is spent getting them ready and driving them to school. It's been hard because I'm a night person and tend to stay up until 1 or 2 AM on some nights. In reality, I need to go to bed much sooner and wake up earlier. My most recent routine is to spend my 15 minute drive home to think about the work ahead of me, solve some problems, think about strategies for my startup. Other than that - coffee. Tried tea but went back to coffee.