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  • 1,000 True Fans? How many do you really need?

    Jose Leon
    0 replies
    I don’t know about you, but my money goals are humble. I don’t have feelings towards money. I don’t desire anything. I don’t want a fancy car. I don’t need a big house or the newest phone. I have my Xiaomi something —how many Xiaomi are? That’s super confusing— and I am ok. Having expensive things makes me nervous. If I buy something that I can’t repurchase the next day, I can’t afford it, so I don’t buy it. Not wanting something is as good as having it —I read this somewhere, but I don’t remember where, so let’s imagine that I’m very wise. The 1,000 True Fans You all know about it. A famous essay from Kevin Kelly talks that you, as a creator, only need around 1,000 fans who pay you or buy from you everything. So, let’s play with that number —blah-blah-blah—: $100,000 a year. $100,000!!!!! One of the problems with thinkers like Kevin Kelly, or other people like him, is that there are far ahead of 99% of us. From his perspective, $100K is an ok number. But I am sure that he makes much more. You probably can make $100K from a well-paid job. Some people make even $200k or $300 —The max I made were around $60K, I’m a loser—, so he is telling you something like: you don’t need a lot of fans to leave your job and do your thing full-time. Well… I don’t need 1,000 True Fans. I spend around $2500 per month right now. I need 250. $10/month x 250 people = freedom. Would I like to have a little bit more? Yes. But with 250 Fans, I can pay the cost of living that we have and have more time to continue producing, write books, write more articles, etc.… so from there, the limits are unknown. The real value from the 250 True Fans is that it buys my freedom. That’s the ultimate goal. With freedom, you have mental space, and you can produce more while enjoying your life. Getting them? That's another story. You can’t expect people to give you money just because. It’s hard. How? Well, I don’t know. But I will figure it out, and I hope you do too, so we all can be free and drink coffee in Bali next year. So, what's your ideal number? Have you thought about it?
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