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  • AI is changing the way we work. Do you use AI daily to make your work easier?

    Sneha Nair
    20 replies


    Ted Politidis
    I have researched creating content with chat.openai.com AI but left it very soon. I've found out the way it works is to collect phrases or even whole sentences from the web and match them like in a puzzle to create readable content. That method though, is not suitable for SEO because it doesn't create original content but duplicate (no indexing and Google penalty risk). A pass through Copyscape will prove my statement.
    Ted Politidis
    @ergoseo Despite what amateurs say and write in popular blogs AI can be dangerous concerning SEO performance. I warned quite early about the penalty risks last year and this month Google has included AI content in their Spam Algorithm. I quote from their update on spam content: https://blog.google/products/sea... "Today, scaled content creation methods are more sophisticated, and whether content is created purely through automation isn't always as clear. To better address these techniques, we’re strengthening our policy to focus on this abusive behavior — producing content at scale to boost search ranking — whether automation, humans or a combination are involved. This will allow us to take action on more types of content with little to no value created at scale, like pages that pretend to have answers to popular searches but fail to deliver helpful content.
    Adan Della-Vecchia
    AI has revolutionized the way I work, particularly when it comes to tasks involving writing. I utilize AI tools on a daily basis to enhance my writing process. Whether it's generating creative ideas, refining content, or even assisting with proofreading, it helps me save time and unlock new possibilities in my work. How about you?
    Iya Mendoza
    Absolutely! AI is at the heart of Logomakerr.ai, and it makes our work easier every single day. Our AI-powered website uses advanced machine-learning algorithms to transform the logo design process. With AI's help, we can instantly generate high-quality logo designs, saving time and effort. Witnessing how AI simplifies logo creation and empowers startups and small businesses to create their unique brand identities effortlessly is incredible. Logomakerr.ai is proud to leverage AI to deliver exceptional logo design solutions to our valued users.
    Vincent Lonij
    Thread - Wireframe Generator
    Thread - Wireframe Generator
    At this point anyone that types on a keyboard as part of their job should be looking into making their work easier. I can understand that some people feel a bit threatened but that should not keep any of us from trying to take advantage of this innovation. I now use AI everyday, it makes me more valuable, not less.
    Not daily, but quite often. 😊 For writing small snippets of code, for drafting emails, for finding answers to some factual questions, etc.
    Nick Anisimov
    AI helps me a lot in collecting data.
    santosh karanam
    Yes, its not at all a question these days :) Free AI help for coders - https://aws.amazon.com/codewhisp...
    Christopher Payne
    Yes, every single day. I actually use an App that I'm launching next month on PH, called myReach! It's basically your second brain, powered by AI - a personal ChatGPT for all your documents, PDFs, notes and articles, so you can search for them the way you think. https://myreach.io
    Christian Misael Prado Ciokler
    Certainly, I appreciate anything that enhances my productivity and delivers tangible outcomes. AI has revolutionized my everyday work routine, making it more efficient, particularly when it comes to handling repetitive tasks.
    Elias Fares
    Yes, at Booomerang.io we use ChatGPT to help come up with marketing efforts and brainstorm ideas. It has proven to be a valuable tool in generating innovative strategies and coming up with an approach.
    Oleg Eltsov
    Yes, for co-pilot.
    Andrew Diete-Koki
    Yes, I do. Recently I started using ChatGPT as a coding assistant. I dropped coding a long time ago to focus on Product Design. I needed to build a basic website and web app and had to do it myself and ChatGPT has made it blazingly easy for me.
    Padmakar Roy
    Yes, I almost use ChatGPT daily for finding answers. I guess once Microsoft releases co-pilot for office 365. Almost everyone will use AI very frequently!
    Cyril Gupta
    CloudFunnels AI
    CloudFunnels AI
    Yep... I use it everyday now. I got Bing, Bard and Chat open all the time. I tend to use different AIs for different things. Some feedback about Bard.. It's got a hallucination problem. It describes things very well but it hallucinates too much.
    Jacob Butler
    Absolutely, AI is a big part of my work day. From sorting emails and scheduling meetings, to data analysis and customer service automation, it's a serious time-saver.
    Robert Mao
    Yes, we actually experimented to build a full app with all kind of different AI tools. Pretty cool experience! We plan to launch here in PH and share our lessons learned!
    Deola Williams
    Yup! Might just be the GenZ feeling that’s resolved to not stress when there’s an existing easy way out. AI tools are basically productivity tool quite often
    Kunal Mehta
    Yes, as a company co-founder, we leverage AI daily to streamline operations and improve efficiency across various aspects of our business. AI has transformed the way we work, enhancing decision-making, automating repetitive tasks, and delivering valuable insights, ultimately making our work easier and more productive.