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  • AI Products: Worth the Price Tag?

    suman saurabh
    6 replies
    do you think AI products are worth paying for? or are you happy with bard or bing search AI


    Vikram Sahu ꩜
    Emaildojo by Netcore Cloud
    Emaildojo by Netcore Cloud
    @suman_saurabh2, From what I've seen through my own experience, only a few AI models really shine. I've dabbled in various aspects of AI, from creating content to building actual websites, and I've found that only 2 out of 10 projects are really amazing while 8 fail. So, my advice is to thoroughly test any AI applications you're considering using in a trial version before you decide to pay for them. For example, while many AI tools have done well in generating content, some have had difficulties with SEO ethics.
    suman saurabh
    @snipperbytes got that snd thank you for answering this. what exactly doesn't work and which models finally worked for you
    Vikram Sahu ꩜
    Emaildojo by Netcore Cloud
    Emaildojo by Netcore Cloud
    @suman_saurabh2, typically, text models perform quite well in terms of speed. However, when it comes to working with images, Mid-Journey stands out as one of the top sources. Moreover, many startups integrate AI and use ChatGPT as a foundation for their services. while few startups with their proprietary models are expected to grow significantly. There are tons of data and models on huggingface(dot)co but only a few are working superbly. For me, GPT-3.5 Turbo was the most effective, as we rely heavily on it for text generation at emaildojo.io, where we combine it with industry data. However, now GPT-4 seems to hold even greater promise. Although I had hoped that HTML and images would be generated at the same pace, this didn't unfold as expected.
    @suman_saurabh2 @snipperbytes Great insights, @suman_saurabh2! 💡 It's like navigating an AI wonderland, some gems, some pitfalls. Testing the waters with trial versions is the secret sauce. Quality over quantity, right?