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  • All-in-one job seekers platform

    Golam Rabbani
    0 replies
    Hi guys, I am working on a product called Talt AI. Which will have - resume and cover letter generation - kanban board to track interview process - auto job apply but personalised - mock interviews What i am confused is to target user. Should i just focus on b2c model where i target job seekers only or i should focus on recruitment agency as well so they manage their own job seekers through their company. Which can be per user basis model ? I would appreciate any feedback. Here is the figma design for reference https://www.figma.com/proto/nJ6U62SCfj24JzGQDWduuE/App?type=design&node-id=148-346&t=s9hVQ5rZZ8VJ05bV-1&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=90%3A70
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