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  • Any designer here can review and provide feedback/changes?

    Tanay from Stacks
    0 replies
    I am building a shared repository of links - Stacks. Can you provide feedback on this design? https://www.figma.com/file/0XiFfc1KvZWsAH1kxMfD86/Stacks-Extension?node-id=436%3A3703&t=pwEcEA7ZWCjm9A6F-0 Stacks is a self-managed shared repository of links for teams. It is an automated bookmarking service and a noise-less collaboration platform for teams. It provides an easy and pleasant search of your saved content and favorites. Stacks is your home base for everything you’ve saved including places you want to visit, restaurants you want to recommend to your colleagues, links to internal documents, research for your customers, and anything and everything you find online and valuable for your team to know about. If you are new to Stacks, you can import bookmarks and saved links into your Stacks home or add them manually. Or with the browser extension, you can save links to your Stacks home just as you would bookmark them in the browser. All saved links are personal until you decide to share them with the teams.
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