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  • Are you a Consumer or a Seller when it comes to business?

    Mark Lemuel M
    19 replies
    Into the dynamics of commerce and share your perspective. Whether you're a savvy consumer navigating the marketplace or a driven seller shaping products and services, we're curious to hear your insights. Join the conversation and explore the roles we play in the ever-evolving landscape of business.


    Both, cuz I think the best seller is he was already an in-depth user of the product.
    Mark Lemuel M
    @sylvia_sheng you have a great point! In order to see consumer perspective you have to become one! especially in your niche! upvote me and I will upvote you!
    The more I get my feet wet in biz the more I start paying attention to how ads are structured, what hooks get my attention, how they call out an ICP, etc. Super cool to see the world through a marketing lens personally!
    Mark Lemuel M
    @yukioyama yup! also take consideration in consumer's perspective is a great way to psychologically adapt on their demands! therefore we need to also understand their perspective to drive in some leads! upvote me and I will upvote you!
    @kilopolki Hey Mark! Don't need to upvote me if you don't want to, but would love if you provided some feedback/tips you have for us to improve our product Smartrazor which just launched today!
    Felix Scholz
    Both, but being a seller made me also a better consumer
    gionata capasso
    @fscholz Also being a good consumer understanding all the consumer thoughts and cognitive bias will help being a good seller
    Mark Lemuel M
    @fscholz true, you can become a good consumer by also having the power to delegate some skills to leverage your business to some experts in a certain field. successful business are run by multiple brains, so therefore competing to market standards must require a team and not solo. upvote me and I will upvote you!
    I'm both and you cant be a best seller if you aren't a consumer :)
    @henry_elijah Dang bars! So true. Alex Hormozi is a business educator who talks a lot about this with making sure to consume many ads to understand the consumer landscape. Speaking of understanding users, henry would really appreciate any feedback/ and specifically critique you might have for Smartrazor which we launched today! Would mean the world
    Sarah Playford
    I am both a consumer and a seller.
    gionata capasso
    The consumer come first than the seller. But without both there is no business so both.
    Mark Lemuel M
    @gionata_capasso yup ! the way I asked this as a poll to have your opinions stated and to have more engaging conversations with PH people! upvote me and I will upvote you!
    In the realm of business, I find myself oscillating between being a consumer and a seller, depending on the situation and needs at hand. This dual perspective enriches my understanding and approach to market dynamics, allowing me to contribute more effectively in both roles.
    Mark Lemuel M
    @zijian yes you are absolutely correct! you need to see the consumer perspective especially in your field to create a good branding towards it! upvote me and I will upvote you!
    Milli Sen
    Both.. You need to be a consumer to understand the selling points.