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  • Are you bored of the startup ecosystem?

    Marvin Danig
    5 replies
    Too many run-of-the-mill startup ideas all around. Does it look like the stakes can't go any higher like the Marvel movies lately? Is AI or Crypto not your cup of tea? Or it is just that you are tired and need a break? What are you feeling these days?


    Max Prilutskiy
    Launching soon!
    I can understand why you might feel that there are too many run-of-the-mill ideas in the startup ecosystem. It can sometimes feel like the stakes can't go any higher, and it can be frustrating to see so many seemingly unoriginal ideas. However, I believe that there is still a lot of potential for new and innovative startups to succeed, and I remain excited about the possibilities that the tech industry offers. While I may not be particularly interested in crypto, it's an exciting time in the startup world, and I'm confident that there are still some real opportunities out there for great products and services. With every passing day, more and more startups are emerging with truly unique ideas – ideas that can have an impact on our lives in ways we never imagined before. Given this potential, I remain optimistic about what lies ahead. I'm confident that no matter how much the landscape of the startup ecosystem changes over time, true innovation will always find its way to success. So keep your eyes peeled; you never know when a revolutionary idea or concept might come your way!
    Marvin Danig
    @maxprilutskiy oh, i'm sure a question like this would draw some attention to the person asking it, but i'm dang in the middle of a building a business. good to hear that you feel optimistic about what lies ahead!
    Richard Gao
    I think those industries might have more startups because they're the fastest growing, but I think there can be lots of innovation if you know the right place to look. For example, I see lots of denigration of "modern music", but it really is an artificial label you put on. "Modern" music can be good if you know where to look. So there might be a thousand writing AI apps and memecoins, but you can probably find a few gems if you did more searching. Or you can branch away from tech startups. They're rarer on product hunt, but they exist and they're much more unique
    Marvin Danig
    @richard_gao2 true! there are quite a few gems tucked away out there. all one needs is to look for them carefully.
    Deniz Sutaş
    Overwhelmed would be the best description for me I believe. Too many products, many of them similar or even identical; and worse, some great products disappear and never get heard of because they get left behind somehow. It's super exhausting to keep up with the news, distinguish the advantages between such similar products, and try to stand out with our own product in this chaotic environment.