Asking for support on launch day is killing your chances of going #1!

Luka Vasic
14 replies
Time and time again I get messages from fellow makers asking for support on their launch day. That's no way to get support. I might be busy, on vacation, or just don't appreciate these kinds of messages. Even worse, connect with me on LinkedIn with a "Support my launch!" message. I'm all up for supporting fellow makers, but you need to prepare your network and audience days, even weeks before the launch. Nobody wants to feel like a bot that you can ping and they will upvote you. Here's my advice: πŸ‘‡ - Connect with PH members weeks in advance - Start conversations with them, here are a few questions: "What's your team currently working on?" "Are you planning any PH launch soon?" "What's your experience with launches?" - Talk with them a bit, get to know them, build trust - A few days before the launch ping that you are launching soon - On launch day just remind them to support you It's easy, but most people ignore trust-building and go the spam route. It may work once, but relationships are worth more than simple upvotes.


Jocelyn To
Great point! Totally agree that relationships are worth more than simple upvotes.
Navin Peiris
Great pointers, thanks for sharing!
Totally agree with this - and sadly it's becoming more of a trend too
Luka Vasic
LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
@maxwellcdavis Yea, I've been receiving these kinds of messages more and more in the past 2-3 months. Although I can't blame them that much, it's a new trend and I did it too, but building relationships is definitely the way to go.
Benjamin Boman
Indeed, nobody wants to be a number. It it's not that nice when people don't actually want to engage back or support in return. Such a missed opportunity to network!
Luka Vasic
LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
@benjaminboman Don't get me started on that. I'm always happy to support and I have 150+ PH makers in my LinkedIn network, but there are those people that connect, get your upvote, and remove you from their network. Like ok my man, congrats you got my upvote once and never again.
Benjamin Boman
@luka_vasic 100%. it really makes me question what goes through the minds of the people who do that. As in, how do they feel that that is acceptable to do?
Luka Vasic
LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
@benjaminboman I get them. They want to go #1 by any means possible, and in the situation where you have one day to shine you don't have the time to have proper conversations, but people that just want a vote and nothing more are simpleminded without long-term thinking.
Raj Lal
Free Teamcal Ai App for Zoom
Free Teamcal Ai App for Zoom
good points
Kevin Lu
Hey @luka_vasic RIGHT ON THE POINT! Agree with you!
Reha Santiago
so true, even I hate it when people keep texting me on LinkedIn and Twitter. I know it's a bot, maybe add a personal touch, a personalized message.
Luka Vasic
LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
@reha_santiago It's ok to send automated messages, I do it too. Nobody has time to manually message 100+ people while the launch is happening. But personalizing them before automation is key and notifying them that you will launch. They will expect your message to be automated, but they know you and that you need their help.
Love that! People are getting too aggressive with cold calls (especially with the help of AI). It's refreshing just to know that an actual human is talking with you and interested in what you're doing