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  • Battle of Book Lovers: Audiobook Listeners vs. Traditional Readers!

    Peter Tovanov
    15 replies


    Peter Tovanov
    I love audiobooks. For half of my life, I thought that if I didn’t read traditional books, it meant I was less intelligent than others. Then I started listening to audiobooks, and they began to stay in my memory much better. Now I can listen to books, and I love it very much.
    Audiobooks :)
    Maria Anosova 🔥
    I spend so much time watching a screen that I like to read books more in paper form
    I enjoy traditional reading for its immersive experience.
    Andreas Sohns
    Audio books are perfect for long drives and workouts.
    Arthur Leclercq
    I do not know much about the audiobooks industry, most of them are available in an audio form?
    My3 Murthy
    currently loving audio books because i cant seem to hold my focus when i am reading- but when i am able o read- its an umatchable feeling!
    Natalie Ermishina
    The choice depends on the goal :) if it is about some cozy home time, to rest and dive into a good story then it is about paper. Most business books and professional literature I prefer to devour digitally :) as for audio - mostly it is when I want to listen to some books in psychology, leadership, motivation :)
    Kirill Oleinichenko
    I don't think audio and text should oppose each other. I think it would be cool to switch between these modes. I want to read a book at breakfast, then continue listening to it on the go, and then read it again at lunch. That's what I want to do in my product, by the way ;-)
    Peter Tovanov
    @kirillgreen o, can you tell us about your product, pls?
    Kirill Oleinichenko
    @peterblack thanks for asking! We'll do the launch tomorrow and Íll give you all the details :-)
    Gurkaran Singh
    Ah, the classic battle of Book Lovers: Audiobook Aficionados and Traditional Readers! One group listening to stories, the other savoring the smell of fresh pages—both united by their love for a good tale. So, tell me, do you prefer getting lost in narration or flipping through the pages like a literary acrobat?
    Gregory Karfo
    100% traditional reading. I just love the feeling of holding a book in my hands and also the smell of the new paper :)