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  • Benefits that Product Hunt can bring you (results of yesterday's survey) + something on the top

    Yesterday I asked: Has Product Hunt brought you any of these benefits? You could choose from a few options specified in the comment section. 📊Here are the findings: 4% – Paid customers 0% – Investors 0% – VC funds 67% – Increased visibility/Significant traffic 4% – The combination of mentioned above 8% – Other benefits 17% – None of mentioned When you reported increased visibility, you mentioned such numbers as: – 15-20% increase in visits/day or – 100 users in 2 days etc. BUT... You can benefit from being there and launching there in many other ways: 👩‍💻 You can get free access to software to prob it (and many of them are really solid). 👥 You can become a part of many communities where valuable info is shared (on Discord, Slack, WA). 🎊 You can be invited to events thanks to exposure where you meet great people in-person (face-to-face) – possible partners for collaboration. Thanks for participating in the discussion. 🙂 (Participated 20 people in a poll as 1 vote = 4%) + comments The survey I mentioned above: https://www.producthunt.com/discussions/has-product-hunt-brought-you-any-of-these-benefits-survey


    Mohammed Maaz
    Product Hunt not only boosts visibility but also offers free software access, community engagement, and networking opportunities—diverse benefits beyond the survey's findings!
    Nsikan Dickson
    How can I feel my document complete?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @joeskin What do you excatly mean? :D
    Michael Shver
    Seems like increased visibility really is the leading benefit here 🤔 We are launching soon, so we'll test it for our product too!
    @busmark_w_nika can you share links to any communities related to Marketing?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @mehtab__faiz Directly to communities not because I was only invited and there is no option to generate a link. 😅 but at least I can share links to good content about social media or marketing: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/ https://www.adweek.com/ https://digitalmarketinginstitut...
    Ryan Zhang
    The survey results clearly highlight the immense value Product Hunt offers in terms of visibility and engagement for new products. Nika's insights on leveraging this platform for business marketing are incredibly actionable and relevant.
    Rogelio Marmite
    Interesting, but did the increased visibility/significant traffic result in more customers?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @rogelio_m This is not something I am aware of, to be transparent. Visibility can possibly increase sales because of the exposure of products/services but this is something I had to ask those people.
    @busmark_w_nika I've definitely heard anecdotally it can, of course it will depend a lot on the pmf for the ph community. Numerous times I've thought an excellent idea would be to make your target customer a PH user and build something directly for them, then launch on product hunt!
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @jake_saul you mean simultaneously from your user make a PH user? And then use them as upvoters? Yeah, that is the ideal scenario. IMO, you can still build that community on Twitter or LI where – platforms that can be used for signing up to the PH.
    @busmark_w_nika no I didn't explain it very well actually. I meant, any product that appeals to product hunt users would be very likely to do well on product hunt. So if the goal is to make a successful product, one way to go about that would be to make a tool that directly appeals to product hunt users. What do all product hunt users have in common? They use product hunt! So, I don't know, an ai app that turns product hunt launches into podcast episodes, or a tool that enhances the product hunt experience somehow. Not something I'm seriously planning, but I really do think launching a product directly related to product hunt on product hunt could give good odds of getting a lot of upvotes! Your point is completely valid as well of course, that's very much what I'd like to do.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @jake_saul And what are you working on now? Do you have any project that you would like to share? :)
    Nik Hazell
    Zappi Ad Predictor
    Zappi Ad Predictor
    We found that the SEO impact extends for a long time after launch 🙂
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @nik_hazell This also mentioned one guy I interviewed. And some people I am connected with just launched because of backlinks :D
    Diogo Maia Caetano
    Awesome data! :)
    Wisani Shilumani
    It's interesting that the traffic doesn't convert to paid traffic for launches. What would you say is the cause?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @wisanishilumanimakes I think that many people are only curious to see what the product is about. Sometimes it happened to me, that I didn't get from the PH description what the product does so I needed to visit the website – but I was not a buyer.
    This is great data collected. @jgani I wonder if you could incorporate launch upvotes-conversion metrics into upper hunt? i'd be curious about which niches do the best on this platform. i'd imagine B2B might perform better, given there are many business owners looking for solutions/tools to improve revenue / product, but just a hypothesis 🤔
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @jgani @yukioyama It depends, some trending topics are related to such things like: how do you spend your free time? or it is the weekend: Do you work or chill? Who created the post also matters. If the posting person has a follower count of 3,000 people it is more probable that will be more noticed than the post from somebody who has 20 followers.
    @jgani @busmark_w_nika "somebody who has 20 followers" lol are you calling me out 😭? yeah I agree. I was more so wondering about launch metrics. i would guess a "SaaS lead generation tool" might do better on this platform than a "manage your garden app" because there are more SaaS founders here. but what do you think?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @jgani @yukioyama No! :D This was just the example through the observation. It applies to almost every social media channel. (apart from those channels that buy followers). B2B is more relevant as you said :)
    WPS Office
    WPS Office
    I have the following experiences to share: 1. The role of brand endorsement is greater than the number of users acquired, that is, you need to get the rank #1 on its daily/weekly/monthly list, get the medal, and then carry out secondary dissemination (such as PR, website, other social media) 2. The number of users acquired doesn‘t bring too much sales, and it will not bring sustained popularity after the release cycle.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @tamsin Has that PH badge helped you to get exposure or some kind of benefit?
    Kate Ramakaieva
    FuseBase /formerly Nimbus/
    Hmmm interesting, I know founders that got press coverage and investors interest, I guess they are just don't have time to be active on PH and share their success 😎
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @kate_ramakaieva So did they those investors attention without PH?