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  • Best remote working practices for 2023?

    Ethan (Yuanming) Hu
    5 replies
    Remote working has become increasingly popular for startups, so I wonder how people here work together. Let me start the discussion with our case. We (https://meshy.ai) are a globally distributed team across 5 time zones and 4 countries, and we use the following tools for remote collaboration: - Linear for project management - Slack for communication - Zoom for video meets - Gsuite for calendar/mail - Figma for design - GitHub for source code hosting - Huggingface for AI models - Metabase for BI (Man that's a lot!) As the CEO I use Calendly to schedule user interviews. Culture-wise, we ask team members to be frank and always overcommunicate. And we always use Linear to track the progress of everything. How about yours? I am eager to learn how to make remote working more effective.


    Linear is a great tool for product management!
    Ann White
    In 2023, effective remote working involves clear communication, regular video meetings to maintain human connection, setting boundaries to avoid burnout, and embracing flexible schedules. Use collaboration tools, prioritize tasks, and maintain a dedicated workspace for productivity. Stay updated on the latest tech advancements and, most importantly, find a work-life balance that suits your needs.
    Slack! of course Slack! new world for me
    Slack, Figma and Github