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  • Brought in $10,000 worth of pre-orders in October but nothing since :(

    Rojay C
    1 reply
    Happy New Years! I launched 'The Smart Headgear Sensors' using Indiegogo and brought in about $10k in 33 days. That is good news however, I haven't had a sell since.... not one! I've been prioritizing Facebook ads but with they haven't been as successful as I like. Any suggestions on how I can revive my momentum. Things I'm doing now: Split Testing on Reddit, visiting existing gyms to show the MVP demo and starting TikTok ads. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/impact-sensors-for-boxers-and-mma-fighters#/ www.thesmartheadgear.com


    Chris Monk
    Hey Rojay, Happy new year to you too :-) Congratulations on the indiegogo launch. $10k is nothing to be sniffed at. What you have discovered is the difference between early adopters and regular people. People on places like indiegogo and product hunt (for example) are all actively looking to buy new and interesting products. But regular people aren't. The vast majority of your target audience isn't actively looking to buy products right now - so they ignore your marketing and you get no sales. You need to use a different strategy. I literally just posted an article about this strategy earlier today. You can check it out here - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/s... Hope that helps - any questions let me know! Best Chris