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  • Build Your Product with Customer Feedback

    Bugrahan Zeki Kadak
    8 replies
    This is my first article:) I wrote about "How do you build a product with together your customers?" I hope it will be useful for you... https://formeer.io/blog/build-your-product-with-customer-feedback


    Ceeya AI - Personal Brand Builder
    Upvoted. Super helpful. Thank you!
    Cool! Thanks for sharing the link with us :)
    Baloch Mirha
    A properly functioning product feedback loop continuously lets you keep a finger on the pulse of your customers
    Andrew Noah
    The quality of your product and your customers' experience can be improved through the creation of a product feedback loop.
    Brian Femminella
    this was great, thank you so much. A big thing we all need to be ok with is not having our wants + ego get in the way of what our customers are ASKING for.
    Software Guy (Aarvy)
    It was very helpful, waiting for more such articles.